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Welcome to the home of the Deer Lakes Lancers! volleyball team picture

We are proud of our 18 PIAA-affiliated interscholastic high school teams and middle school programs.

Our facilities include Lancer Stadium, Lancer Arena, Lancer Swimming Pool and the Middle School field and gymnasium. 

The Deer Lakes community is well known throughout District 6 and the state as having one of the greatest followings for its student-athletes, often selling out facilities at home and on the road. We appreciate you showing your Lancer Pride!


Athletic Director: Charles Bellisario
Phone: (724) 265-5300

Co-Curricular and Interscholastic Athletic Rules and Regulations

The purpose of the following regulations is to promote, protect and conserve the health and physical welfare of the student  who participates in the co-curricular programs of the Deer Lakes School District, to safeguard the educational values of these programs and cultivate high ideals of good sportsmanship.   The goals of the co-curricular programs are the life enrichment of each participating through the development of skills, health, strength, self-reliance, emotional maturity, social growth and good sportsmanship.

The following co-curricular and interscholastic athletics rules and regulations are in effect for all students when the listed, prohibitive activities involve school-related activities, school property or school personnel.

All suspensions from “organized school groups” will be consecutive school days during the current and/or next subsequent co-curricular or interscholastic activities in which the student participates.  When there are not enough consecutive school days remaining in the school year to complete the number of required days of suspension from OSG, the suspension will carry over to the first and subsequent activities in which the student will be involved in the following year.

  1. Possession or use of tobacco is prohibited. 
  2. Student involved in the purchase, consumption, possession or transportation of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs, including anabolic steroids, may result in a 90-day suspension from OSG.  The SAP Team and administration may review a student’s progress at the 45th day of suspension from OSG and make a recommendation to the School Board to reduce or maintain the OSG suspension.
  3. Stealing of equipment (Deer Lakes’ or anyone else’s equipment) may result in suspension from all athletics for the period of one year.
  4. Any participant arrested by the police and convicted of a criminal act or any participant who is making restitution for vandalism in relationship to school property, activities, or school personnel, may be suspended from all athletics for the period of one year.
  5. Any participant absent from school will not be permitted to participate on that day.  Traditional students not in attendance by 8:30 AM are not permitted to participate unless they have a doctor’s excuse.  Beattie or CCAC students not in attendance by 11:35 are not permitted to participate unless they have a doctor’s excuse.
  6. The use of obscene language will not be tolerated.   The individual coach may handle the punishment.
  7. Any participant who drops out of an OSG or athletic team before the end of the season to participate in another program other than a high school or middle school program may be suspended from that program the following season.
  8. Any participant, who drops out of an OSG before the end of the season to participate in an OSG within the high school, must have the consent of the coach/sponsor of both OSG’s.
  9. A student suspended from high school is automatically suspended from participation in all school activities during the period of suspension.
  10. A coach/sponsor may include other regulations pertaining to his/her OSG with the approval of the Board. Participants will be notified of the regulations in writing (signed by player and parent/guardian).
  11. These rules will be in effect from the time a student is in 7th grade until the end of all interscholastic athletics and all co-curricular activities in the 12th grade.
  12. Students participating in any OSG must remember that they represent the school and the community and should conduct themselves in a manner befitting this responsibility.
  13. A student, who has been absent from school during a semester for a total of 20 or more days, shall not be eligible to participate in any OSG until that student has been in attendance for a total of 45 school days following his 20th day of absences; except that where there is a consecutive absence of five or more school days, due to a confining illness, injury or quarantine, such absence may be waived from the application of this rule by the P.I.A.A. district committee if a thorough and complete investigation warrants such waiver. Attendance at summer school does not count toward the 60 days required. Absence from school for an entire semester, or for several semesters, shall disqualify a pupil student for the same period as stated before.
  14. In order to be eligible for OSG, a student must have passed at least five full credit subjects or the equivalent during the previous grading period.  Back work may be made up providing it is in accordance with the regular rules of the school.
  15. In order to maintain eligibility a student must be passing five (5) full credit subjects, or the equivalent, each week during which the student participates in the OSG.  Eligibility is determined on Friday for the following week, running Sunday through Saturday.